Thursday, December 27, 2007

If you've ever moved, you probably hate it! And I'm talking about moving far enough that everything and everyone is a stranger. Friends, school, town, sometimes even State! Ugh!!! Everything seems to be objects floating around. Well if you think this is one of those blogs that say that moving is okay and that they feel sorry for you, YOU'RE WRONG! In fact this blog it's the opposite. The way I vent is by writing so what better way to get rid of anger, but still keep it to look back at then this? When you're younger, and your parents tell you that you're moving, you think "Oh sweet! I get t meet new people, see a new place, and maybe there's a really big playground there!!!??" o maybe " Maybe I'll get a newroom that I don't have to sharewith my brother!". Well then yo really don't knw about all of th bad stuff.Like "I'll haveto leave my friends! And I'll have to goto a totally new and scary school!" You don't think about that do you? Well that's when you're really young! And I mean like when you're 4 or 5 years old. When you get older, you think of moving as the biggest obsatcle and life-changing thing ever! Well I can't continue now but I will be back!